Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ten Thousand Reasons

This year J & I moved form serving in AWANA to serving with the youth.  We're leading a small group made of 4-5 frosh guys, 2 frosh gals & 2 junior gals.  I think we're really going to have a great year, with lots of challenges.  :)  I have to say that the LORD knows what J is good at & has given us a group tailored to his gifts.  I am so excited!!

During worship we sang Bless the Lord by Matt Redman.  I've sung it before, but last night it really hit me . . . 10,000 reasons for my heart to find.

Could I come up with 10,000 things??  Could my heart really do that??  How has the Lord blessed me?  How is He still blessing me?

Really, I have been focusing so much on the negative & the difficult challenges rather that focusing on Him & His goodness.  I need to take more time each day to mediate on Him & what He has done & is still doing.  He does command us in Phillipians 4:8-10 to think about what is excellent & praiseworthy, among other things.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.And the God of peace will be with you.

So, keep an eye out.  I've started, but want to document it outside of the blog (scrapbooking).

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It's nothing new anymore . . . just Pinterest.

When people ask me where I found that idea or recipe & I reply Pinterest, I get the eye-roll.  Or the, "Oh, Pinterest." with the raised eyebrows.  Not many of my close friends use Pinterest.  Or they have an account, use it sporadically or not at all . . . anymore.

I've expanded my knowledge of quinoa & how to cook with it.  Need a slow cooker recipe?  How about something new for breakfast?  Try the pumpkin scones!

Even eating healthier has gotten easier.  I don't think I've had a bad recipe since I've started using Pinterest.  It's great because people only pin recipes they really like.  So when you're looking for something tasty AND healthy, you can find a pretty good selection.  I found this great way to make microwave popcorn without all the additives.

I love all the 'clean' cleaning tips!  Since S was born 4 years ago, I would get headaches from any strong cleaning product smell.  Now, I almost exclusively clean with a baking soda & dish soap paste.  It may take a little bit more elbow grease when I don't get the shower on a regular basis, but I don't get headaches.

I've started looking at stuff around our house in a different light.  For example, we have an old IKEA CD tower.  In the age of MP3's, we haven't put this tower to good use in at least 4 years.  So we flipped it!  It's a horizontal shelf above our desk.

It does have a down side - it's completely & totally addicting!  When I was first introduced to Pinterest about a year ago, I scrolled through pages & pages of . . . stuff.  After the kids when to bed, while I enjoyed my morning coffee, after lunch during the kids 'down time' - wow!  Thankfully, there is a limit to what is new.  Now I check for something new about once a week.

This does not include the times I hit up Pinterest for something I've all ready pinned.  That happens at least twice a week - usually for a recipe that I misplaced or for refreshing my memory for the number of cups of cooked quinoa 1 cup of dry makes.

Useful tool, absolutely.  Possible time waster, absolutely . . . did I let my kids play a little longer than usual after lunch, yes.

You got to have balance.  Like so many other things in our easily distracted lives.  But that's another topic for another day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Take a Profile Picture. Now!

I'm sure my issue isn't that uncommon.  Rings break.  And then they get fixed.

Just the tip of the prong broke off my ring.  Thankfully we didn't lose the stone.  So I sent is to get fixed.  No big deal.

If you've ever been without your wedding ring/engagement ring or both, you know how completely naked you feel!  Two weeks was almost unbearable.  Thankfully our amazing neighbor had a ring that fit my finger perfectly, just to settle my nerves.

My ring arrived about 4 days earlier than expected!  I was thrilled.  But the next morning it snagged on something.  As I went to carefully pluck out the fibers still stuck, the tip of the prong snapped in the same place!

I get it.  When something breaks, it will always be weak there even after the repair.  Even so, my emotions were on a complete roller coaster.

Later that afternoon, with the littles, braved the mall to return my ring. The gal there, who happens to be the manager, was very sweet & said that it would be taken care of.

Two weeks came & went.  So I called.  Turns out there was an administrative delay - paperwork was submitted to replace, not just the tip of the prong, but the whole head of the ring.  Fine, but maybe call next time.  My ring should be back Friday.

And it was!  I grabbed the littles, thrilled after being without my ring for 4 weeks now.  I looked at it, in the store, was so grateful to have it back, gathered up the littles & went home.  Arriving home, we whipped out some lunch, played & then went up for reading & naps.

As I sat reading to the kids, I noticed the profile of my ring wasn't the same.  The prongs were fatter & curved.  This was my ring, but it did not look like my ring.  Oh my goodness!!  I took it off my finger to look more carefully.  My eyes were not playing tricks on me.  In addition to the change of prongs, they were not straight and not placed in perfect 90 degree intervals.  What??  What jeweler does such crummy work??

That wasn't all.  They must have had to remove my wedding band to replace the "head" of the ring.  When they re-soldered the rings back together they didn't line up!  No wonder my ring was hard on & off.  I just thought it was the heat!  Devastation!

I called J.  I called everyone I could.  And no one was available.  Hours later I finally had the guts & emotional control to call the store.

We went to the store the next morning.  I was so nervous.  I don't like confrontation.

The store manager was so polite.  She re-explained that the head on my ring was no longer manufactured.  I get it.  BUT they should have either 1)  called to see if they could replace with what was on hand or 2)  just made some new prongs that matched mine.  Right?  I think so.

She said that they'd correct the way the prongs were placed & make them straight.  They would fix the soldering.  Because I don't like confrontation, I tend to compromise often.  So I compromised & said they could leave the head on.  But they wouldn't be able to have my ring back for our family photo next week.  I kept my ring & said I would bring it back to them after my photo.

I actually wore my not-my ring for the week.  It was nice to have the weight of it on my finger & see glimpses of it.  But every time I really looked at it & pondered it, I became convinced that the store needed to make it mine again.

After our photos, I made it clear they needed to make it right - make my ring look like my ring again.  Unfortunately, the sweet manager had a conference out of town and I was talking to one of the employees that was filled in on the situation.  He was just going to be a yes man.  But what really got me is that I pointed out that the slip describing the work required did not have anything specified about putting it back.  I literally pointed it out & he simply replied that we will do what we can to "get past your feeling" and that "Our shop is a AAA shop."  WHAT??  What did you just say???  Of course I would never say that out loud . . .

After re-stating several times what I wanted done with my ring & the employee continuing to say phrases along those same lines - about working to get past how I felt - I ended up just letting it go.  He's just an employee anyway.  I guess I'll have to wait another two weeks, when my ring comes back, to speak with the manager again.  I honestly hope I don't have too.

What really gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach is that JP, who is a near & dear friend, shared a very similar story.  After having her's sent back 3-4 times, she ended up taking it to a jeweler that was related to another near & dear friend, SP.  JP's ring was finally fixed, properly, with the jeweler commenting that whoever did the work prior to coming to him, was VERY POOR!!

I don't have any confidence that I'll ever have my ring back.

JP asked me if I had a photo of my ring.  I did!  I could take it somewhere if I came back again being not-my-ring.  Ugh . . . unfortunately it's from the top.  You can't see the profile & the prongs.

I found this photo a few days ago.  Only, the file size is too small to zoom in on the ring & see detail.  I just emailed our photographer, but I doubt she'd have our photos from 8 years ago.

 (I disliked those fake nails - they were a first & a last for me!  Writing was so awkward!)

So, ladies & gents, take profile photos of your ring(s).  Then put them somewhere safe.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Classical Education

I came across this book:

I don't remember who recommended it or if I just stumbled across it, but I found a copy at our library.  I've been holding onto it for about 3 weeks, completely overwhelmed by the size of it!  Usually non-fiction books that are over 2 inches in thickness get brought home & returned without being opened.

This one was opened.  I honestly wasn't sure what to expect.  Would it be full of slow, dull text with out practical methods, resources & advice?  Would the authors come across condescending?  Would I feel like a loser for not education my child in this fashion?

The answer to my questions was, "No!"  It was quite readable & enjoyable.  The authors nailed this well-written guide.  They put me at ease with their own homeschool experiences.  They satisfied my questioning such an 'old & outdated educational philosophy' with a re-introduction to how children's mind think & the progression they make as they grow.  They built on that foundation, explaining how a classical education's practice matches the way a growing child processes information.

What I did not expect were the examples of how to teach your own child using a classical education.  In addition the amazing lists of resources.  The writers empowered me & excited me for teaching my children!  Fabulous book to read if you ever get the chance!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Madeline: A Lapbook

The last two weeks we have been 'rowing'* Madeline.  If you're not familiar with Five In A Row (FIAR), you read a book each day for five days and complete learning activities.  This is our first year with FIAR & our first year creating lapbooks.  A lapbook is (taken from web):
An educational method that involves (usually younger) homeschoolers making "mini-books" about what they are learning. It provides space for drawings, writings, timelines, pictures, graphs, or stories on any topic of current study, and is designed to fit on a child's lap.
Over the past year, I had been looking for more unique, creative & fun ways to homeschool my littles.  I read blogs, peeked on Pinterest, visited many curriculum sites & consulted with other homeschooling Mommas.  Lapbooking is the one that I thought & prayed about continually.  It wasn't too expensive.  The kids could regularly use scissors, markers, paint, glue, hole punches & more.  So it was decided.

As I started bookmarking sites & pinning ideas, I kept running across common books, like Madeline, The Story of Ping & more.  It triggered something a fellow homeschooling mom had told me about, FIAR.  FIAR is a curriculum, or rather unit plans for 70 books over 4 volumes!  That really appealed to me.  I'm not a huge fan of lesson planning.  So, having suggested activities & discussion points for books . . . it was just what I was looking for!  I have more to say about lesson planning & prepping for lapbooking, but I'll save that for another day.

Here are La & AMP's Madeline Lapbooks:

I have the kids print/sign their names to the covers & date them.  I have a basket in the living room where they will place their completed lapbooks.  The love showing their work to guests & grandparents.  After this school year, or when my basket starts overflowing, I'll relocate the lapbooks to my filing system.

La begs & pleads to do school - every day!  Even after I've been up all night with a croupy twin or have 20 lbs. of tomatoes to process, she's at my feet begging to do school.  This year she is so proud to be working right along side her big brother & I love having her there!  She is so much fun to teach . . . unless she's having a "like Momma" day.  She can be stubborn . . . like me, and only want to do things on her own terms.  Definitely something to improve upon over her years at the Academy for the Absent Minded & Seriously Silly.

 La does everything AMP does in our lapbooks, but often in a slightly different way.  For example, I write titles, verses, lists & passages out & she traces them.  In math for Madeline, we talked about symmetry.  She  could grasp it enough to classify pictures into symmetrical & asymmetrical piles.  But she struggled with completing shapes to make them symmetrical.

AMP, on the other hand, grasped the concept of symmetrical & quickly completed the other sides.  He then went a step further & turned his symmetry cards into common objects.  The upper left to right:  a package that arrived in the mail, a face, the Red Cross logo.  Lower left to right:  pizza, a heart --> AMP ♥ MOM, and last but not least, an oyster cracker.  I love his creativity.

I am in awe of how proud La is of her work!

In addition to our symmetry discussions, we had handwriting using a passage from Madeline, we rhymed, looked at the major organs in the body so we could learn what an appendix is, discussed the importance of & proper hand washing and ordering from largest to smallest (and the smallest one was Madeline).

AMP loves to cut.  We used to have a box of scrap paper that I would let the older two cut.  That turned into a confetti mess at least twice a week.  Much to their disappointment, I put it all away after Christmas.

Scissor Ninja, AMP.  He often will say, "Thanks for not having us do workbooks all the time."  ♥

We spent 2 afternoons exploring France.  We read a few books from the library about France & found a video to watch.  We all loved it!!  Afterwards, we made a flap book about where France is, another with the flag of France & a third book containing facts about France.  The little Tour of France book with the bow was fun!  It includes real printed photos of famous places in France that can be seen in the illustrations in Madeline -- such as Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, 

AMP is pointing to his favorite part - the maze.  He loves mazes so much that the tooth fairy brought him a book of mazes instead of money.

There is a line in Madeline, "They smiled at the good and frowned at the bad."  So I brought in some scripture - Philipians 4:8-9.  We discussed it - specifically identifying good things to think about.  And that when something goes wrong, we should find the good & be thankful for it.  We also read Colossians 3:12 & 1 Peter 3:10.  

If you're interested in making a Madeline book like ours, you can find 100% of these mini-books & such at HomeschoolShare in FIAR Resources Volume One.  Here if you have problems locating it.

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmanns
France by Rachel Grack
Eiffel Tower by AV^2 - Virtual Field Trip
The Human Body by Sonja Black (not available on Amazon - our library had it)
Nature Math by Penny Dowdy
Patterns Outside by Daniel Nunn
Video: France - Countries Around the World (not available on Amazon - found at our library.  Amazon does have the Activity Packet for the video series.)

* rowing - to study by reading a book each day for 5 days via FIAR & other fun learning activities that you                                        can create!

Some credit on the photos go directly to AMP & La.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A & B Scrabook Pages

I'm trying to get caught up on some important moments in our life.  First to tackle was the birth of the twins. I always want to get it down on paper so I don't forget.

 Credits for all 3:  Sahlin Studio - I'll Love You Forever

It's been so enjoyable to get these completed.  And so bittersweet.  We're pretty sure they'll be our last babes.  Lots of tears shed while working on them.

As I post this, I hear my littles through the baby monitor.  They're upstairs playing school.  A&B are only 2, but AMP & La are working on addition with them.

La:  What's 1 + 2?
B:  uh?
La:  It's three.
B:  Tree?
La:  Yes, three.
B:  Tree.

LOVE them!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


J is going to be gone for a few days.  He asked months ago to attend a workshop on design that will be held across the state.  I know how useful this information will be to him, so I gladly gave him my blessing.  He will be gone for 2 nights, 2 days, but 3 bedtimes.

The day has arrived for Him to depart.  It really snuck up on us.  I didn't start prepping the kids for his absence like I normally do.  I really hit us last night.  Now he has just over 3 hours before leaving.  I'm pretty sure he's napping with the kids right now.

And the worst is that I'm mourning or anxious or something . . . I can't quite put my finger on it.  I know I'll be fine while he is away.  I know that God is more than able to do immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine.

But my chest is tight - if feels like both twins are sitting on me.  And I want to cry.

We're not apart over nights . . . like hardly ever.  The last time was while I was crafting at a weekend retreat with the gals.  I can handle that, even though it is hard to say goodbye.

And before that, a few other crafting retreats . . .

At least he's not flying to New York again & gone fore 5 days.  That was hard.

I don't sleep well when he's not here.  Or . . . really I don't fall asleep well.  My strategy has become to read or watch TV until I fall asleep in the process.  I can't just turn off the lights & lay down.  My mind starts racing then.  I noodle.  The "what ifs" zoom around in my brain until I'm planning on how I will be able to keep homeschooling our 4 while being a single parent.  It's awful.

So, if you think of it, pray for me.  For my almost overwhelming anxiety over J's absence.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Upcoming School Year

Well, we actually started 2.5 weeks ago.  And we are trying something new.  I can't wait to start documenting our journey this year!  It is so much fun & no one has yet to complain!!

7: Food Fast Wrap Up

My husband & I completed our 7 food fast about 3 weeks ago now.  If you happened on to the blog & started reading my daily posts, I apologize for suddenly ending them. It just got to be too much to blog every day with the kids around.  Try writing deep thoughts & more profound truths when the 4 littles are in the background or you're just simply exhausted.

So, how did it go?

Not as bad as I thought.  The first 2 weeks were the most difficult - coming down off sugar & caffeine along with some pre-menstrual hormone garbage - I would just be plain mad that I couldn't have chocolate.  Mainly chocolate.

The last 2 weeks + odd days weren't so bad.  After 'cleansing' the system, I was doing well sticking to our list of 7 foods/categories.  We went to a handful of other gatherings & ate what was there.  J & I felt very strongly that we shouldn't be placing our burden of 7 on other people.  It was between us & God, not our hosts & God.

And then we were especially careful when his mom & stepfather visited.  I ate sweet rolls because we didn't want to deal with the questions & doubt & criticism.  It would have taken away from their time with the kids (& driven me crazy) b/c it's all she would have focused on.

What did I take away?

After 4 weeks of almost no sugar, complete absence of caffeine & little variety, I felt more energetic & healthier.

Meal planning & grocery shopping were easier & faster!  You may not have heard this before, but I "shopped the edges."  It refers to just shopping the edges of the grocery store - produce, dairy, meat & bakery departments that are always on the edges.  The only exception is running to the interior to pick up dried or canned beans and the occasional snack for the kids (like goldfish).

Meal planning was a snap.  I didn't have to think about seasonings.  It was always salt & pepper.  Our protein was always chicken or beans or both.  We ate whatever veggies came in our box & truly did enjoy them!  We feasted on fresh berries & cherries . . . oh & when the fresh fruit truck came to our area with boxes of ripe-picked peaches . . . OH!!  There were days when I ate 4-5 delicious Georgia peaches!!

I felt good about what I was eating.

But what I didn't expect was this enormous weight off my shoulders.  I didn't realize the guilt that I carried around all the time because I would be eating . . . 'garbage' - sweets, fat-laden deliciousness or processed goodness filled with preservative.  It must have been so consistently there for so long that I just didn't notice the weight. My body & brain slowly changed it's homeostasis to include this burden as normal.

The aftermath?

I'm purchasing more produce & whole foods.  I'm cooking with more whole foods.  I'm eating less (close to zero) processed (though the leader VBS snacks are going send me into a 7 tailspin!).  I'm sticking with baking my own fresh ground, whole wheat bread.  I'm eating less sugar, drinking less caffeine.  Right now I'm having a cup of half-caff, determined that I will not go back to full caff.  Unfortunately, I see it a necessary evil to combat the drowsiness from my allergy medicine since Ragweed season is just beginning.

But I'm going to be praying about all of this.

In hindsight, I'm so thankful for my fast.  I hope that I always remember what the Lord taught me.  I don't want to be filling my temple with junk.  I don't want to be carrying around guilt.  And I don't think He wants me to either.

Just thinking about how my kids will be eating & living . . . making better choices & in greater freedom.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Decision Time

 It's getting close for the kids to decide what they want to be for Halloween.  Yes, it seems early.  But when you have 4 costumes to design & create, August is just enough time.  If you think I'm a little crazy early, take a look at last year (2011):

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 4: A respite

We had a day full of visiting friends for meals.  They all know about 7 & they also know that regardless, we would honor them as hosts.  I think they spoiled us.  We had hot dogs (all natural ones), peach cobbler, a quinoa & black bean salad with chopped veggies, s'more brownies . . . as you can tell, I did not abstain where some, including Jen(the author of the book) & my husband did.

Our hosts wanted to bless us & they did.  It really was a great respite.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Garden Check-In

We have been so blessed by our garden!  And I think we will be for a few more months.  We just need to keep it watered, which is pretty easy when the kids want to play in the sprinkler.

Snap Peas:  Next year I need to plant 3x as many.  We get ripe pods pretty sporadically & the kids argue over who gets one.

Green Beans:  Plenty to go around almost whenever we want.  Dinner is much more special when we have our home grown on the plate!  Now, if only those darn Japanese beetles would stop  nibbling the leaves.

Sunflowers:  We have an early sunflower.  I think the birds must have planted this one.

Basil & Cilantro:  Well, my cilantro flowered while we were camping, so I missed it.  I think I'll just try to collect seed for next year.  The basil is doing well.  Here's a photo of a random cilantro in my basil (that I didn't get to thin out).

 Tomatoes:  Grandpa came to help build a second raised bed.  We have 10 tomato plants in it, one of which is a sungold cherry tomato that has fruit well on it's way.  

And I forgot to take a picture of the lettuce!  But that's probably for the best.  It's pretty picked over as the kids do snack when they are outside.  They haven't figured out how to get at the beans & the peas are too high.  I know, from previous experience, that as soon as the tomatoes are even close to being ready, they will disappear before my eyes.

This has been such a wonderful opportunity to share my love of gardening, growing & eating fresh, whole foods.  The littles have taken a surprising interest in the garden, helping me weed, water, harvest & as mentioned early , eat & enjoy.  We're so thankful for the beauty & nourishment God has blessed us with in our garden.  May we have many more years to come!

I'm linking up w/ HSV Garden Challenge to share w/ other homeschooling families.  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 8: Monday, July 2

It's hot.

I'm 99% sure I'm PMS'ing.  I struggle with being easily angered the 3-5 days leading up to that time of the month. 

I really want some chocolate, and quite frankly, I'm pissed that I can't have any.

But then I pray a few minutes later & I'm OK again.

But then I'm crabby again.

And it's hot.  Oh, is it hot.

And I didn't get breakfast right away because we need to go the library after swimming lessons, so I need to pack clothes & diapers & a snack & . . .

So I took my homemade, whole wheat bread & peanut butter (natural, all nuts & salt, perfectly within 7) to lessons.  I got 4 bites between talking with a new friend & my 3 little pirahnas.

Note to self:  next time, bring enough to share.


It's confession time.  And not something fun & silly like my enjoyment of zombies . . .

I really have an anger problem.

My anger is epic.  And I hate that.

Yes, there is a righteous anger that is OK, as even Jesus was angry & tossed tables around in the temple.

This is not righteous.  It's not pretty.  It's not OK.

I can't control it.  I can try.  I can white knuckle through it sometimes.  But it comes on so stinking fast.  I don't know what happens to the rest of my brain.

J & I have decided that swats are OK in our house - as long as it follows a talk, at eye level, that addresses the issue first.  And then the swat is to be followed by the child apologizing, J or I forgiving them & then hugs all around.  But . . . with this anger . . . sometimes, in the name of discipline, I've swatted my kids when the anger surges.  

And really, what gets me, shouldn't get me.  Like, B ran into the open van when I needed him to get his shirt on while we were still at the pool.  Not the end of the world, right?  But, it was.  In retrospect, it's easy for me to tell myself what I should have done.  But that anger took over & I spoke harshly through clenched jaws(I'm going to have teeth issues from this someday).  I grabbed him by the arm & carried him back over to the picnic blanket (where we were having oranges & changing clothes).  Come, Heather, really??  I got so anger about A not letting AMP help him buckle that I quietly yelled (so those outside of the van couldn't hear) & told them all that their disobedience lost them the trip to the library.  

2 minutes later, I was able to calm down, re-evaluate & explain that indeed we could still go to the library, etc . . .  

And I know that this is something that runs in the family.  My maternal Grandmother struggles with anger & holding on to it.  My mother struggles with it.  My dad struggles with it.  I see my brother & sister struggle with it.  And I can only talk with my sister about it.  She's the only one in my family that also loves Jesus.  

Two Sunday's ago (find it here, 6/24/2012), our pastor spoke about how sins of the parents are passed down to the next generations.  This is obviously being passed through my family - this anger is being heaped in my lap.  He went on to say that I have a choice, to do the easy thing & let it continue on to my children or work faithfully, seeking the Lord to change.  

I want to change.  I don't want to be angry about this stupid stuff.  I want to be able to always speak with kindness to my family.  I don't want my sins to be heaped into their laps.  

I think I may have found what  I need to be praying for when I want something outside of 7. 

Day 7: Sunday

No church today.  Everyone slept in!  Even A got up an hour & a half later than usual.  

I spent the day jamming it up.  Not rocking out with music or anything, but making jam . . .

About 7 batches:
  • 2 peach
  • raspberry
  • grapefruit jelly (simply out of curiosity)
  • raspberry-peach
  • strawberry-balsamic vinegar
Ok, it was 6 . . .

Near dinner time, I admitted to J that I don't like cooking for the kids while we're doing this food fast thing.  This was something that I told him during the weeks prior, wouldn't be a problem.  But really, it's like torture to try to pick out something they will eat in it's entirety.  They do a great job of trying new things when J & I are eating with them.  They won't even eat the usual when we don't eat with them (except for pizza).  After not even a full week, I'm frustrated about this.  

So, turkey brats w/ cheddar, fresh plums & canned green beans it is . . .  

On another note, this is how we handle PJ disputes with the twins:  

Day 6: Saturday, June 30

Today was a great day!

J had to work, so I was initially a little bummed about a Saturday without him.  But, with AMP in swimming lessons, keeping us from our usual Thursday or Friday AM grocery shopping, we braved the store today.  I was not excited about going to the store on a Saturday with all the kids.  I don't mind so much when I'm on my own, but these 4 little people can really either stretch out a grocery shop to 2 hours or drive me crazy.  It's moments like this when I wish I could slow myself down to remember that Paul admonishes us to not worry, but pray about everything.  Jesus even speaks about not worrying - telling us to look to nature, how it does not worry, but trusts that it's Creator will provide.  You see, I should not have stressed & worried all morning about it, because my children were wonderful!!  They were helpers, they walked with me rather than running away & they didn't touch everything on the shelves!  One mom was so impressed that she told me how well behaved they were!  Wow!  Thanks Lord!

After we got home, I got this crazy idea in my head to take the kids to see J at work.  He was part of a Civil War Education day & plays the role of a regular soldier.  J shares about what life is like - food, pastimes, letters home, equipment, etc.  Well, we didn't stay long.  There was one station in which the re-creators were loading & firing (no shot/ball) their muskets.  A & B did not like that at all.  So, home we went.

The afternoon when quickly - I scrapped while the youngest 3 slept & AMP read & played Legos.  Next thing I now J was home.  We all had to get ready to go out for a graduation party & Soberfest, an alternative to the community celebration for Independence Day.  Since Soberfest wasn't going to have anything on J & my 7 menu, we packed dinner.

Upon arriving at the graduation party & going through all the formalities, KK (J's former childcare provider), was so proud of the meal she prepared for everyone - her oldest son had even gone pig hunting - that after we fed the kids, J & I looked at each other & confused . . . what should we do??  I remembered some wise words that a friend had provided, though after the fact, about last Monday night's dinner invite.

"i thought on Paul saying he eats basicly with his company....there is no condemnation in the food. Your hosts desire is to bless you , and personal relationships are what Christ died for...first to be united to Him ...and to others. i believe eating the meat....salad... Or what else best resembles your 7 would be the best way to accommodate the situation. Your heart behind '7' is what matters....being diligent matters...but not to be legalistic....which Paul warns against..... Balance is key....God knows your heart and desire for Him
There may be independant situations to sift our '7' through God's Word.....there may not always be one right way for all..."

I shared this with J & off we went to try some of JJ's pig. I can't tell you how much peace God gave me as we stood at that buffet table & scooped up the juicy strands of meat.   It was delicious!  Our twins ran circles in the pole barn with LaLa taking her dessert over by the 3 mth old twin baby girls & AMP was off to talk with the graduate, who used to babysit him when J & I would attend small group when he was just 12-18mths old.  It was a blessing to see KK & her family again (and the pig too).  

Then off to Soberfest we went.  It was a great time!  The kids got all sugared up with free cotton candy & sno-cones.   The clown rocked their worlds with balloon swords or kitties . . .  The inflatables were frustrating for the twins - they REALLY wanted to go, but not alone.  And I can tell you I am NOT going on one of those things on a 95+ degree day!  It was so hot, everyone was a little crabby.  But after the sun started moving behind the trees, we were able to settle down on the lawn with some good friends, chat & listen to some amazing music - Chastity Brown & Hello Kelly, along with some of our local favs.  Our children were kept busy by our good friends children.  The older ones would even take my LaLa to the bathroom & bring back free popcorn & rootbeer floats (of course, none for me or J).  It was the first time in 2+ years that I was able to sit & enjoy a church gathering.  

J & I prepared to stay late enough for the fireworks (starting at 10), but planned on leaving around 9:30.   You see, our children don't like loud noises.  We've done this since AMP was 1.  And he only liked it the first year and I don't think that counts.  Well, LaLa has the biggest crush on our friend's 10 year old son & she had to be brave.  So we made it about 5 minutes in.  The LaLa & twins were borderline getting upset, so we packed up & watched from the van.  But other than the noise, the LOVED them!  First time EVER!!  I am so excited!  There will be another fireworks show on Wednesday - if I get my way, we'll drive them downtown for it.  ;)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 5: Friday, June 29th

The first day I've woken up & really wanted a cup of coffee.

I don't think I would have, except J was drinking out of a mug.  I saw the mug & wanted coffee.  Can we say Pavlov's dogs??

I need to find something . . .  or really God to give me something to focus on.  As Jen would get frustrated with her dry chicken breasts, she would pray for Ethiopia.  I need to get my butt in gear & do the same thing.  

Have I mentioned how hard it is not to finish up my kids plates??  I really dislike waste!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 4

OK . . . we kinda broke 7.  You see, J & I have a VERY, VERY difficult time seeing food go to waste.

I was cleaning out the fridge - trying to make some more space for my bread making ingredients & spots for 7 approved food items.  I came across 2 gorgeous red peppers, a green pepper & half a red onion that looked like it wouldn't last 2 more days.  I KNOW they would not make it until July 24th.  So, I sliced them & let them cook over our approved chicken breasts.

Well, I guess God should just smite me now. ;)

Ultimately, I don't want to be doing this fast if it is about me.  It's really about God & His power & His passion.  I don't want to be "white knuckling" through these 30 days.  So, would you pray for me.  That I would surrender to Him, look to Him, lay it down at His feet.  I know I can't really do this on my own, but I'm realizing I'm really out of practice of asking for His guidance & strength.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 3

Oh, so uneventful . . .

Until I realized the fruit truck wasn't where I was told it would be . . . PANIC!!

I had been dreaming of my own box of sweet Georgia peaches since last summer when I first heard about the fruit truck.  My bestie had frozen some & we would enjoy them at dinner invites throughout the winter.  Yummy!

God has placed some very resourceful & amazing women in my life.  One of which got on the good ol' WWW & determined that they were in a town 20 minutes from J's work for the next hour.  J is really a PEACH!!  He jumped in the car & drove 20 minutes away from our house to pick up a box o' peaches & surprised me with a 5 lb. box of scrumptious Michigan blueberries!

I know what I'll be up to tomorrow . . .

Day 2

It is difficult for me to not have something sweet at breakfast time!  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  The best way to avoid temptation is for me to grab a ww roll & run out of the kitchen.  It never lasts long, as kids need me, but that initial morning craving is gone by then.

After I survived breakfast - really enjoyed breakfast of fresh bread & some blueberries, I was ready to face the day.  Today was a big day, not just because of 7.  I was dry needled today.

But first, we went to AMP's swimming lessons.  I forgot to say that he was bumped into level 2 for this session, which BLOWS my mind.  Just a mere 2 weeks ago my boy was AFRAID, TERRIFIED - would go in to complete hysterics when water would get on his face/in his eyes.  In level one, he did bobs & boy, o, boy, did he do bobs!  I couldn't believe my eyes!!  His teacher would talk him down & then he would try again.  At the end of last week we had free passes to Noah's Ark - I was not expecting much.  But AMP wanted to go down every water slide he was tall enough for!!  So. Proud.

After lessons, I dropped the kids at our amazing, wonderful neighbor's, GmaB.  She is a blessing!  All our family is 2+ hours away, making doctor appts & more difficult to do during the day & paying a babysitter for 4 is expensive!!

Off to my Dr. appt.  I've been having problems w/ my pelvis - lots of pain & instability.  This is my second round of PT & I am honestly a bit frustrated.  Not at anyone, but at how stinking difficult it is to get back to  some sort of 'normalcy.'  It's been determined that the ligaments are loose from 3 pregnancies - one being a twin pregnancy.  They finally gave me an elastic belt that stabilizes my pelvis for when I'm walking or standing.  It's uncomfortable to sit in, so I'm finding that I'm not wearing it much . . . since I'm so up & down with the kids.

This appointment was special.  As I mentioned earlier, we're trying some dry needling therapy.  So much of my pain is coming from muscles that are what they refer to as 'corded.'  Essentially an acupuncture type needle is inserted repeatedly into a muscle trigger point.  What happens if they hit the trigger point is that it causes the corded muscle to spasm -completely involuntarily.  The expected results are a muscle that is much more relaxed & stretched out.  It's not the most comfortable procedure, but definitely not too terrible that I won't do it again.

After needling 2 trigger points & not being able to find a third, I meandered down to my PT appointment where we focused on stretching & pain relief . . . & get me fitted for my belt.  As I left was the really difficult point.  I was pretty cold & I realized that I was a little traumatized.  All I wanted was to hold a hot cup of coffee & sip is slowly.  But alas, coffee did not make my list.  I walked out of the clinic fighting back tears, a little bit more scared about the next 28 days.

The rest of the day was less eventful.  I had asked J to take the afternoon off because the Dr. had told me that I would be quite sore, needing to rest, stretch & keep heat on my muscles.

For my big feat of the day I thought I'd hard boil some eggs.  This went well, until I thought I had turned the burner off & went to take a bath (while everyone else was napping).  Upon emerging from the steamy bathroom, an  unpleasant sulfur-y smell assaulted my nostrils.  Uh, oh.  Looks like I checked the wrong nob on the stove.  My eggs were sitting on a very dry surface.  They're a little tougher than usual & have grey around the yolks, but thankfully, it's pretty hard to ruin a hard boiled egg.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 1

Well, day 1 of  7:Food Fast has come & gone.  It was a bit easier than I thought.  Really, I can't be happier since I'm making my own bread.  If I had to eat pre-made, preservative-packed, store-bought bread I think I'd be in trouble.  Everything was going great until after lunch I . . .

1) popped a graham cracker in my mouth during the kids snack time - completely out of habit.  After a few seconds, my brain awoke from the 3 hour nap I had just taken with La, A & B, & I realized what I had done.

2) realized that I forgot to call our dinner invite & explain our weird food fast thing . . . so, with much prayer from J & I, we decided it best to honor our friends & not make a fuss.  We enjoyed some of the best steak I've ever had, but stuck to our 7 with everything else we ate that night.

We had a great evening with our friends.  During the school year we don't see each other much - their 4 kids are in public schools & they also participate afterschool sports & such.  So, this dinner was very much a reunion!  I had goosebumps as K told us how God rocked his world by giving him a new job - his dream job teaching high school sciences.  A shared about how God has been walking with her & she has felt so close & loved by Him.  Their kids LOVED on ours like crazy!  It was a blessed evening & am so thankful for it!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Last Supper

Is tonight.

Before I begin a 30 day fast.  

Now, before you jump to conclusions.  I am not writing about this on the blog to gain praise from man.  Yes, I know, praise from man is our reward if that is what we are looking for, but I am not.  I am looking for so much more.  Really, I'm using the blog like a diary or journal.  I can see that no one reads it, so I don't mind putting this all out there. 

On to the why, when, where & how . . .

It all started about a month ago when I stumbled upon this book, 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker.  Her book includes an introduction, 7 chapters regarding her 7 months of fasting & ends with a conclusion.

Just reading the introduction blew me away.  I wanted to go on a journey like hers.  I have lots of baggage that I cannot seem to get rid of on my own & I need to open some doors so that God can take it (or rather, that I can learn to lay it down before & leave it there).  I want what is "comfortable (being a consumer christian) to become uncomfortable."  And what is "uncomfortable (loving the poor & marginalized) to become comfortable."  I read the intro out-loud to J a few weeks ago, as I was still trying to wrap my mind around it all (it is so simple, yet not . . .) & he was hooked as well. I thought I would be going on this journey alone, but I have a partner.

In Jen's first fast, she chose to focus on the excess of food that we have here in the states.  She chose 7 foods to eat for 30 days.  Water, salt, pepper & olive oil were 'freebies.'  She chose to eat only:
  • chicken
  • eggs
  • avocado
  • spinach
  • whole wheat bread
  • apples
  • sweet potatoes.
Can you imagine?  Well, J & I have chosen our 7 foods and are ready to go for tomorrow.  Here is what we will be eating:
  • chicken
  • eggs
  • apples
  • spinach
  • whole wheat bread (that I will make for us from fresh ground wheat berries, canola oil, honey, salt & yeast)
  • beans
  • nuts
We chose the nuts because I have a slight allergy to avocado & we needed to make sure that our bodies were getting a little fat.  We chose beans for many reasons.  If you want to check out this website, it will give you plenty of education on the matter of beans.

We have one exception to our 7 foods that Jen did not.  If you look back in the blog posts, you'll notice that we have started a garden & belong to a CSA.  We have no desire to see any food go to waste because of our fast.  So, anything in our weekly CSA box or garden that 1) the kids will not eat up or 2) I cannot preserve for after our 30 days are finished, we can eat.  

With that said, we start tomorrow.  I'm scared.  No coffee, chocolate, donuts, chips, smoothies . . .  J is going to have to do all the grocery shopping, b/c I don't want to see all the yum in the grocery store.

I'm not really a fan of being vulnerable either . . .

I'll be posting here from time to time - like I said, this is my journal . . .

I'm really not sure what to expect from God during this time.  But I hope & pray for so much!  

**If you feel a little lost about what you just read, I highly recommend finding a copy of 7:An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.  You will not be disappointed - it is so much more than the title reveals.  Or you may leave a question in the comments section or email me.** 

Monday, June 18, 2012

for this house, we waited

Credits: Happy Scrap Girl - Serenity
(I need to go back & change a shadow that is wrong - see if you can find it.)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Busy . . . is . . . not . . . ending

Oh my goodness!  When will it all slow down?

I finally felt like we were getting back into a routine.  Then came strawberry picking & my Dad visiting, finding free swimming lessons at the last minute, going to my cousins to pick up Grandpa's console/upright piano, Father's Day, camping -- guh!!

I'm late at posting the questions for the book study I'm leading . . . wishing it had built in questions now.

I made 6+ batches of various kinds of freezer jam & still have one left to make.  I need to get my tomatoes in the second raised bed we have out in the yard.  Thanks Dad for getting that put together so quickly!

I need to meal plan for our camping trip . . . which is in . . . ARGH . . . 4 days.  Packing, gathering gear . . .

Oh, did I mention I thought it would be a good time to say goodbye to the twins bobbies? (a.k.a. pacifiers)

LOL!  Pray for me, that I would continue to be patient, compassionate, understanding & KIND through all the rough patches we have throughout the day.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love - Hate Library

Libraries are really great!  I do love them for all the great books I can borrow, read & return.  I love all the programs they do for the kids & even for the adults once & awhile.  The librarians are amazingly helpful & have recommended some stupendous books!  They are, for the most part, patient w/ me & the 4 littles - which is helpful when I have my hands full assisting one in book finding while the other 3 are either running, yelling or pulling books off the shelves like it's an Olympic sport (total exaggeration on that last one).

But I hate the new library online catalog.  When it renews my books, it does from the day I click "renew" rather than from the date it is due.  So I wait until the last minute to renew - often forgetting & then am charged late fees.  Not only that, but the online catalog just doesn't work properly at home.  It freezes, it won't let me perform operations - like reserving a book and sometimes a basic search.  (I've tried 4 different browsers . . . )

I hate that my kids, somehow, misplace books & that I can spend days looking for them.

I hate that my kids find books I'm so not excited about - Barney, Spongebob, the Chipmunks, Barbie . . . bleck!

It drives me crazy when I have all 4 kids there & the librarian (only one of them does this) makes sure to look through all the books I have out to make sure she can get them renewed & help me avoid late fines.  I know that her heart is good on this one, so I can't be all that upset.  I just wish she'd hear me out when I do say that I need to get going & get the kids home.

As I say all this, I do really love our library.  I'm just totally frustrated right now that I have been looking for 8 books over the past 1-2 weeks.  I found 7 of them today - finally.  Where were they?  In the most random & odd places in the house for a library book to be - one on top of the tall filing cabinet in the basement, one was  IN one of our books . . . Aaarrrrgh!!

I just needed to get it all out . . .

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Sad State of Our Pencils

Thank you A & B.  You have decapitated our pencils & we can no longer erase our mistakes.  AMP, La & I are more than frustrated.  Unfortunately, we will continue school throughout the summer & I will not be purchasing new pencils till August . . .

We still love you.  We always will.  Praying you learn that you are humans & do not need chew toys.  ;)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How Our Garden Grows

Our garden has been growing - as much as the weather allows.  It's been fun (mainly for me since the kids are so little) to see how the plants will shoot up over a few days of really nice weather & then slow down as we get a touch of chiller air & less sunshine.  

I learned & shared w/ the kids about what seeds we should put in the greenhouse first, then add others according to how fast they sprout & grow.

Our beans (bush & pole), snap peas & lettuce took off from the start.  The kids & I were so surprised to see how fast we got results.  The peppers, tomatoes, basil & cilantro weren't so speedy.

The most unfortunate part is that we needed to take the greenhouse top off the garden earlier than expected since the peas & pole beans were hitting the top.  We thought that the rabbits would get at everything else before it even had a chance.

That meant that we needed to get a trellis for the peas & pole beans.  I knew string would suffice for the peas & was hoping the beans would be OK w/ it as well, so La & I drilled holes & screwed in some screws to make the trellis.  (Notice our other helpers - B w/ his gardening gloves on, A mowing the lawn & AMP our photographer.)

It's taking me longer to string it than I thought.  Every time I get up on the step stool, a twin is needing a push or help.  Thankfully the plants are more forgiving & patient than the twins at 2 yrs old.

A few weeks later & this is the state of our garden:

The lettuce is ripe for the picking or nibbling . . . :)  I love finding La picking off leaves for herself & the twins.  Now, if only A would eat them all instead of bringing me half-eaten leaves as a gift.  ;)

I'm linking up w/ HSV Garden Challenge to share w/ other homeschooling families.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Photocopier Fun

♥ ♥  From last fall (2011) while visiting J at work.  ♥ ♥

Friday, June 1, 2012

Back In The Game

3 years ago, in July, I had to call it quits.  I stopped digital scrapbooking.  I was pregnant & sick.

During my first pregnancy, I couldn't handle the smell of cooking bell peppers.

The second, mint - anything mint.  Have you ever tried to find non-mint toothpaste??  Thankfully Crest just released their Cinnamon flavored stuff.

The third, well, I thought I was off the hook on this one since I was so stinking nauseous.  No, I was wrong.  But it wasn't smells that got me this time.  It was the computer!

I had a major case of computer aversion.  ICK!  I had less than 2 minutes to peek at FB or read an email.  That meant the my beloved digital scrapbooking must wait . . . until the second trimester, or so I hoped.

For this pregnancy, computer aversion was going to see me right to the end & then some.  That's OK, as I knew I would have to seriously limit my scrapping time after the twins were born.

Then, when all was good on the baby front & life was manageable again we discovered our computers RAM couldn't handle the program any longer.  Darn PC's!  After waiting for . . . a very long time, we've finally upgraded our computer & bought a used one from the local tech college.  It's not exactly what I want, but it will do.

With much ado . . . or very little, here are some of my first pages since I've started scrapping again:

(Credits for the above in abbreviated form:  WM[squared], Happy Scrap Girl, Tangie Baxter, Sahlin Studio,  Chelle's Creations, Brittish Designs, Tracie Stroud, Megan Turnidge, & mel_h designs.  If you want to know where to purchase their products you can either comment below or email me.) 

If you've never seen digital scrapbooking before & this is all new, the polite thing to do is include credits to the designers.  It was their hard work to create the papers & elements.  I only put them together w/ my photos.  ;)