Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 6: Saturday, June 30

Today was a great day!

J had to work, so I was initially a little bummed about a Saturday without him.  But, with AMP in swimming lessons, keeping us from our usual Thursday or Friday AM grocery shopping, we braved the store today.  I was not excited about going to the store on a Saturday with all the kids.  I don't mind so much when I'm on my own, but these 4 little people can really either stretch out a grocery shop to 2 hours or drive me crazy.  It's moments like this when I wish I could slow myself down to remember that Paul admonishes us to not worry, but pray about everything.  Jesus even speaks about not worrying - telling us to look to nature, how it does not worry, but trusts that it's Creator will provide.  You see, I should not have stressed & worried all morning about it, because my children were wonderful!!  They were helpers, they walked with me rather than running away & they didn't touch everything on the shelves!  One mom was so impressed that she told me how well behaved they were!  Wow!  Thanks Lord!

After we got home, I got this crazy idea in my head to take the kids to see J at work.  He was part of a Civil War Education day & plays the role of a regular soldier.  J shares about what life is like - food, pastimes, letters home, equipment, etc.  Well, we didn't stay long.  There was one station in which the re-creators were loading & firing (no shot/ball) their muskets.  A & B did not like that at all.  So, home we went.

The afternoon when quickly - I scrapped while the youngest 3 slept & AMP read & played Legos.  Next thing I now J was home.  We all had to get ready to go out for a graduation party & Soberfest, an alternative to the community celebration for Independence Day.  Since Soberfest wasn't going to have anything on J & my 7 menu, we packed dinner.

Upon arriving at the graduation party & going through all the formalities, KK (J's former childcare provider), was so proud of the meal she prepared for everyone - her oldest son had even gone pig hunting - that after we fed the kids, J & I looked at each other & confused . . . what should we do??  I remembered some wise words that a friend had provided, though after the fact, about last Monday night's dinner invite.

"i thought on Paul saying he eats basicly with his company....there is no condemnation in the food. Your hosts desire is to bless you , and personal relationships are what Christ died for...first to be united to Him ...and to others. i believe eating the meat....salad... Or what else best resembles your 7 would be the best way to accommodate the situation. Your heart behind '7' is what matters....being diligent matters...but not to be legalistic....which Paul warns against..... Balance is key....God knows your heart and desire for Him
There may be independant situations to sift our '7' through God's Word.....there may not always be one right way for all..."

I shared this with J & off we went to try some of JJ's pig. I can't tell you how much peace God gave me as we stood at that buffet table & scooped up the juicy strands of meat.   It was delicious!  Our twins ran circles in the pole barn with LaLa taking her dessert over by the 3 mth old twin baby girls & AMP was off to talk with the graduate, who used to babysit him when J & I would attend small group when he was just 12-18mths old.  It was a blessing to see KK & her family again (and the pig too).  

Then off to Soberfest we went.  It was a great time!  The kids got all sugared up with free cotton candy & sno-cones.   The clown rocked their worlds with balloon swords or kitties . . .  The inflatables were frustrating for the twins - they REALLY wanted to go, but not alone.  And I can tell you I am NOT going on one of those things on a 95+ degree day!  It was so hot, everyone was a little crabby.  But after the sun started moving behind the trees, we were able to settle down on the lawn with some good friends, chat & listen to some amazing music - Chastity Brown & Hello Kelly, along with some of our local favs.  Our children were kept busy by our good friends children.  The older ones would even take my LaLa to the bathroom & bring back free popcorn & rootbeer floats (of course, none for me or J).  It was the first time in 2+ years that I was able to sit & enjoy a church gathering.  

J & I prepared to stay late enough for the fireworks (starting at 10), but planned on leaving around 9:30.   You see, our children don't like loud noises.  We've done this since AMP was 1.  And he only liked it the first year and I don't think that counts.  Well, LaLa has the biggest crush on our friend's 10 year old son & she had to be brave.  So we made it about 5 minutes in.  The LaLa & twins were borderline getting upset, so we packed up & watched from the van.  But other than the noise, the LOVED them!  First time EVER!!  I am so excited!  There will be another fireworks show on Wednesday - if I get my way, we'll drive them downtown for it.  ;)

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