Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Behind Already

I know that there really isn't a "behind" when you're homeschooling. We all take it at a different pace that fits each of us Momma's & our families. But I started early so we could take time off around the holidays. But with the public/parochial schools starting up the end of this week, we have been doing last minute playdates galore. Don't get me wrong, they're great for my kids, they're great for me, but . . . I sure hope we'll have enough done to take time off come the end of November.

This week we are still in week 2 of science, week 3 of history/literature & starting Earlybird Math B. I need to get Lil' J trained to sit & do some of his handwriting practice on his own and some of his math worksheets. He really loves to take lots of time to tell me what & how he's going to do his work. It's shows some higher-order thinking skills from Bloom's Taxonomy, but it really drives me crazy! Yes, homeschooling mother's can be driven crazy!

Anyway, the whole reason I need to train him is because S is demanding, "Momma, come & teach me!!" To avoid my little distracting demander I've been waiting until it's her nap time so I can work w/ Lil' J uninterrupted. She has been so disappointed. Either way I feel like I'm losing. It's really a great problem to have & I'm so thankful that my children love me & learning. I really need a Momma photocopier so I can have 2 of myself during school.

On the brightside, Lil' J & I were reading about wind, water & weather when he stops me to say, "Mom, how does water get around?" Hearing the jest in his voice, I knew that he was going to TRY to tell me a joke. I answer, "I don't know, honey. How?" To which he answers, "With a watercycle!" He did it! He really did it! It was great! I am so proud! Take that Bloom's Taxonomy!!

On a completely different note, I have had numerous chances to sew lately. I am thrilled! It is so nice to see a project come to completion. I was able to make a little shoulder bag for which I have had the material for 2 years. And I got started on a second one for a gift. I made it about half-way. I probably shouldn't socialize so much at craft night when I know I need to get something done . . . oh well.

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