Today was a little crazy to begin with. I didn't notice right away. I thought B was up in my bed reading board books, which is not unusual as all my kidlets are bookworms. After 30 minutes I finally checked on him. Out cold. B decided to put himself down for a nap. I quickly gathered up A, tucked his blankie around him, kissed him, whispered that it was nap time, go to sleep & laid him down. Thankfully he cooperated.
Knowing that time was of the essence, I ran off looking for my IG (instructor's guide), gathering up books & calling little J & S to come up for school. They were surprised - the timing was all off. It took about 10 minutes to get them focused & on track. S loves that Leapfrog DVD, so that is what she choose to do first. Lil' J struggled with his math today - or maybe I should say I struggled with math today. Lil' J pontificates about everything he is doing making any quick task take 3x as long. Tomorrow I'm bringing my exercise ball & work abs if he talks that much again! Thankfully, he managed to finish just as S was coming down. Off we went to the big green chair for literature, history & science. We had a blast taking turns as the sun & Earth while I explained days & nights & seasons. I need to dig out our earth beach ball now - it would work much better than a uniform green ball for discussing rotation upon Earth's axis.
Our read-aloud for the next2.5 weeks is The Boxcar Children. This is a book Lil'J has been excited to read since he was 2 yrs old & found it in the library. The only reason he picked it out is because it had a boxcar on the spine & cover. Lil'J LOVES trains. So, now, finally we are reading it. Even with the gorgeous weather outside, all he wants to do is listen to me read. Yesterday we read 4 chapters & today we read an other 3. We will probably finish the book by Friday. I hope he enjoys all of this year's read-alouds as much as he is enjoying this one!
I'm not so great at transitions . . . so . . . on to our farm.
No, we do not own this farm, but we are a member of their CSA program. Tuesday's we load up & make our way down the winding, roller-coaster-y road to our farm. By the time we arrived, A & B were sleeping, so all the kids stayed in the van this time, saving exploring for another day. We picked up our box & then an extra 2 dozen ears of sweet sweet sweet corn. I spent the night preparing it for our freezer to help us through the long winters here. What I'm really trying to get at is that, I may start sharing some of my recipes . . . We'll just have to wait & see.
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