This week we are still in week 2 of science, week 3 of history/literature & starting Earlybird Math B. I need to get Lil' J trained to sit & do some of his handwriting practice on his own and some of his math worksheets. He really loves to take lots of time to tell me what & how he's going to do his work. It's shows some higher-order thinking skills from Bloom's Taxonomy, but it really drives me crazy! Yes, homeschooling mother's can be driven crazy!
Anyway, the whole reason I need to train him is because S is demanding, "Momma, come & teach me!!" To avoid my little distracting demander I've been waiting until it's her nap time so I can work w/ Lil' J uninterrupted. She has been so disappointed. Either way I feel like I'm losing. It's really a great problem to have & I'm so thankful that my children love me & learning. I really need a Momma photocopier so I can have 2 of myself during school.
On the brightside, Lil' J & I were reading about wind, water & weather when he stops me to say, "Mom, how does water get around?" Hearing the jest in his voice, I knew that he was going to TRY to tell me a joke. I answer, "I don't know, honey. How?" To which he answers, "With a watercycle!" He did it! He really did it! It was great! I am so proud! Take that Bloom's Taxonomy!!
On a completely different note, I have had numerous chances to sew lately. I am thrilled! It is so nice to see a project come to completion. I was able to make a little shoulder bag for which I have had the material for 2 years. And I got started on a second one for a gift. I made it about half-way. I probably shouldn't socialize so much at craft night when I know I need to get something done . . . oh well.
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