The building of the raised bed came first &, thankfully, my dad was able to come up & help. AMP & LaLa help Grandpa dig, lay down sand, pour dirt, rake & of course offer lots of distractions. I was able to help a bit, but my attention was mostly focused on keeping the twins out of the way & happy. After the first weekend we had the raised bed full of dirt & potential.
The following week, the kids & I collected supplies for the greenhouse - lots of PVC & a painter's 2 mil painting plastic. Specific greenhouse plastic was not available here, so we had to improvise. I roped my husband into sawing all the PVC for me. As I shuffled out of the house from my accidental nap with the twins, Jarrod had the PVC assembled & installed on the bed. Then of course the weather got quite chilly again, which meant waiting longer to get our seeds in the ground.
After a week & a half of waiting, I got so antsy. It wasn't even a nice day out. Bundled up, the 5 of us braved the chilly wet weather, thanking Jesus that at least it wasn't too windy. As the twins played, AMP, LaLa & I carefully unfolded & laid out the plastic, wrapped up the raised bed much like you would a present too big to lift off the ground. We used some packing tape on the sides & stakes at the bottoms. SUCCESS!!
It's been about a week & a half since then & when the sun is shining, it is quite warm under the plastic. I think I see lettuce & basil sprouts, but it could just be weeds from the garden soil we used. We are anxious to see more growth & enjoy peeking every couple days to see the progress.
One bonus about the PVC framework is that we can remove the plastic, recover w/ netting & move it to the front yard over our future strawberry patch. But first we need remove the remaining grass & acquire some strawberry plants.
I absolutely love your green house! :D (stopping by from HSV)