Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Garden Check-In

We have been so blessed by our garden!  And I think we will be for a few more months.  We just need to keep it watered, which is pretty easy when the kids want to play in the sprinkler.

Snap Peas:  Next year I need to plant 3x as many.  We get ripe pods pretty sporadically & the kids argue over who gets one.

Green Beans:  Plenty to go around almost whenever we want.  Dinner is much more special when we have our home grown on the plate!  Now, if only those darn Japanese beetles would stop  nibbling the leaves.

Sunflowers:  We have an early sunflower.  I think the birds must have planted this one.

Basil & Cilantro:  Well, my cilantro flowered while we were camping, so I missed it.  I think I'll just try to collect seed for next year.  The basil is doing well.  Here's a photo of a random cilantro in my basil (that I didn't get to thin out).

 Tomatoes:  Grandpa came to help build a second raised bed.  We have 10 tomato plants in it, one of which is a sungold cherry tomato that has fruit well on it's way.  

And I forgot to take a picture of the lettuce!  But that's probably for the best.  It's pretty picked over as the kids do snack when they are outside.  They haven't figured out how to get at the beans & the peas are too high.  I know, from previous experience, that as soon as the tomatoes are even close to being ready, they will disappear before my eyes.

This has been such a wonderful opportunity to share my love of gardening, growing & eating fresh, whole foods.  The littles have taken a surprising interest in the garden, helping me weed, water, harvest & as mentioned early , eat & enjoy.  We're so thankful for the beauty & nourishment God has blessed us with in our garden.  May we have many more years to come!

I'm linking up w/ HSV Garden Challenge to share w/ other homeschooling families.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great looking garden! Stopping by from the HSV Hop . Have a good week and enjoy your 4th :)

  2. LOL! I never have enough peas either! It is a garden joy for me to have the kids enjoy the fruit straight from the garden. :) Stopping by from HSV Garden Challenge.

  3. Ah, peas. Tried it first two years ago and only got three peas off the vine. That was a bad year and that was the only thing that got planted. Totally forgot about doing them this year! I'm going to have to next year.
